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2011-12-13 09:30:37 来源:




    摘要  作为需求方的最终需求与作为供给方的三次产业之间存在着密切的关系,近年来我国产业结构难于调整,根源在于最终需求的结构变动不好。本文的贡献是把最终需求结构和三次产业结构结合起来进行分析,利用投入产出模型推导了最终需求与三次产业增加值之间的关系,进而定量探讨最终需求结构变动对产业结构变动的影响。本文的结论是,为了提高三次产业中第三产业的比重,必须提高最终需求中消费的比重。

关键词  最终需求,产业结构,结构调整,投入产出分析

中图分类号             文献标识


How does the change of final demand structure affect

the change of industrial structure

Abstract: There is a close relationship between final demand and three industries. China’s industrial structure is difficult to adjust because the change of final demand structure is not good in recent years. This paper combines final demand structure and three industries structure in analysis. By use of input-output model, this paper deduced the relationship between final demand and the value-added of three industries, and discusses how the change of final demand structure affects the change of industrial structure. The conclusion is that the consumption proportion in final demand must be increased, so that the tertiary industry proportion can be increased.

Key Words: final demand, industrial structure, adjustment of industrial structure, input-output analysis

[1] 本文得到中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所重点研究室(2009年度)资助。