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作者:刘学良 陈 琳

2011-12-13 09:43:18 来源:南开大学经济学院经济系






The heterogeneity of correlation between cross-section

   and time series:

  An Essay Revisiting Panel Data Model and its Fixed Effects Estimation


Abstract: In the paper we aim to investigate and explain the essence of panel data model with varieties of fixed effects, discuss the two dimensional nature of panel data and the possible correlation heterogeneity between cross-section dimension and time series dimension, question and amend the conventional understanding and explanation that may be wrong. We show in the paper that: Cross-section fixed effects estimation is actually a time series regression with a linear constraint, the coefficient of estimation equals the weighted average of time series regression result for each Cross-section, Time fixed effects estimation is actually a cross-section regression with a linear constraint, the coefficient of estimation equals the weighted average of cross-section regression result for each period; Two way effects estimator whereas is the weighted average of pool, cross-section fixed and time fixed effects estimator; Silimar to the conclusion of Mundlak(1978), The so called “unobserved heterogeneity” actually is not really completely unobservable, the conventional panel data model setting is flawed by variable omission, and the real unobservable heterogeneities, in other words fixed effects, are uncorrelated with regressors.

Keywords: Panel data, Fixed effects, Unobserved Heterogeneity, Correlation Heterogeneity

  JEL Classification Codes: C23, C51, C52