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2012-07-31 10:12:59 来源:数量经济技术经济研究



关键词  信息披露水平  深交所考评体系  公司治理

中图分类号  F406    文献标识码  A

Analysis on the Influence Factor of Information Disclosure From Corporate Governance Perspective

AbstractThe paper tooks Shenzhen market listed companies from 2005 to 2010 as samples, and took information disclosure evaluation of Shenzhen Stock Exchange as proxy variable of information disclosure level, and the relation between company governance factors of listed companies and information disclosure was empirically analyzed, thereby disclosing the decisive factors affecting information disclosure level of listed companies. Studies have shown that: listed company property right, ownership concentration, the proportion of institutional investors, ownership of executives, board size, audit agency authority, audit opinion and trading status and other factors had significant effect on the degree of information disclosure, wherein board size and ownership of executives showed inverted U-shaped relationship with information disclosure level. Meanwhile, it was also found the proportion of outstanding shares and the proportion of independent directors, the separation of duties of the chairman and general manager, to set up the audit committee system and other system designs did not play the supervisory role.

Key wordsInformation Disclosure LevelSystem of the Disclosure Evaluation of the Shenzhen Stock ExchangeCorporate Governance



