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作者:戚安邦 刘俊业

2012-02-04 11:52:55 来源:数量经济技术经济研究




关键词  项目挣值管理  国防装备项目  项目绩效差异分析  多要素集成

中图分类号  F224.5        文献标识码  A

The Defects and Solutions of Earned Value

Performance Variance Analysis Methods

AbstractAlong with the thorough transformation for our country’s project management system and method, we need to adopt international general project earned value management (EVM) performance assessment method, but through research we found that the existing EVM performance assessment methods have some practical problems and theory defects, mainly represented in simplifying multi-project factors influence into project cost and schedule, results in distorting performance assessment and losing information. In this paper, we will discuss these problems and defects existed in the existing EVM method, and put forward some solutions and theoretical analysis and practical verification.

Key wordsEarned Value Project ManagementDefense Equipment ProjectProject Performance Variance AnalysisMulti-factors Integration