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作者:王栋 宋辉 刘新建

2012-06-17 23:25:39 来源:数量经济技术经济研究




关键词:总供给-总需求模型 投入产出 中国经济

中图分类号: F014.32                        文献标识码: A


The AS-AD Approach of China Economy Based on Input-Output Structure


Abstract: The present macroeconomic forecasting models generally take Keynesian aggregate-demand deciding approach, which neglects to analyze the effects of historical data in reflecting the supply-demand disequilibrium states. In addition, the mainstream economics has little analysis on middle product demand because its basic theories are founded on the concept of GDP and exclude gross output. This paper sets up a new kind of AS-AD analysis frame based on the principles of input-output analysis, and the frame is used to investigate China’s economy with the data of China Input-Output Tables from 1987 to 2007 and some in yearbooks. Our results show that: the effects of monetary and fiscal policies are not notable on the equilibrium output, but apparent on the improvement of employment and net export; and the abatement of taxes, though, has little effects on gross output, but improves the employment and foreign trade,  at addition it increases the income of labour with a little inflation; the enhancement of labour productivity is a feasible way for economic growth, but it needs some policy cooperation to improve the employment and labour income.

Key Words: Aggregate Supply-Demand Model; Input-Output; China Economy
