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作者:王志强1、2 熊海芳2

2012-04-23 23:37:44 来源:数量经济技术经济研究

1. 东北财经大学产业组织与企业组织研究中心;2. 东北财经大学金融学院)


关键词  结构变点  时变期限溢价  预期假说  银行同业拆借利率

中图分类号  F833.2      文献标识码  A


Structure Break, Time-varying Term Premium

and the Expectations Hypothesis

AbstractTaking account of the time-varying term premium, this paper analyses the effect on the Expectations Hypothesis of interbank interest rates by using multiple structural change models, and discuses the relationship between the structure break of macroeconomic factors and the tests. Our empirical results show that there are multiple structure breaks in interbank interest rates in the sample period of 1996.1 and 2011.4, and they have the same trend in a subinterval. The Expectations Hypothesis is mostly rejected in these subintervals, and time-varying term premium doesn’t have the dominative role, while the macroeconomic factors take different effects in different subintervals.

Key wordsStructure BreakTime-varying Term PremiumExpectations Hypothesis Interbank Interest Rates