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作者:金飞 张琦

2013-09-04 12:33:51 来源:数量经济技术经济研究






A Discussion of China's county-level TFP change in the period of 2007 to 2010


Jin Fei, Zhang Qi


    The TFP change in the period of 2007 to 2010 of 2543 county-level unit (include Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) is measured by DEA-Malmquist Method and Kumbhakar-Sun Method (KSM),  the average of TFP decline rate for is 6.20% and 8.20% respectively. In the spatial perspective, the region with TFP increasing usually are urban districts in the eastern China which are scattered, and the region with TFP increasing are contiguous in the western China which are sparsely populated. Although DEA-Malmquist and KSM give similar results in TFP change, the results in components of TFP changes' decomposition are opposite. Finally, although there are exaggerated data in county-level statistics, the negative correlation between TFP change and fixed capital stock change can be observed, the economic growth mode in China may face serious challenge.



Key wordTotal Factor Productivity, county economy, DEA-Malmquist, Semiparametric Smooth Coefficient Model



    全要素生产率(Total Factor ProductivityTFP)是一种描述投入产出能力的重要指标,在对经济增长的分析研究中扮演着重要角色,由于其多被用于评估一个经济体的经济增长可持续性,因此在过去几十年间无论是国际还是国内,都受到了非常广泛的关注。

    尽管TFP理论的雏形一般被追认为源于丁伯根(Tinbergen),但真正奠定TFP理论体系及分析框架是美国经济学家。TFP一词演变自全要素投入(Total Factor InputTFI),在20世纪50年代中前期,美国经济学家就开展了一系列关于多要素投入的生产率研究。但在初期并没有使用TFP的称谓,例如Kendrick1954)初期所谈论的词汇是聚合生产率(Aggregate Productivity)、混合生产率(Composite Productivity)或联合生产率(Joint Productivity)。1955年,另一位美国经济学家Davis在其著作《生产率核算(Productivity Accounting)》中正式使用了全要素生产率(Total Factor Productivity)的词汇。后来,Kendrick在其1956年出版的《生产率趋势:资本和劳动(Productivity Trends: Capital and Labor)》以及1961年出版的《美国生产率趋势(Productivity Trends in the United States)》两本著作接受且使用推广TFP一词,并建立起围绕资本和劳动为中心的TFP基本框架,从而正式奠定了TFP研究体系。