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作者:李小明 何孝星

2013-04-05 13:29:46 来源:数量经济技术经济研究



关键词 经济波动 经济增长总福利成本 边际福利成本

中图分类号  F061.4       文献标识码 A


On the Welfare Costs of China’s Business cycle Fluctuations and Economic Growth Variation


Abstract: This article uses the models proposed by Lucas (1987) and Alvarez and Jermann (2004) for reference. Decomposing the non-stationary consumption sequence into the growth trend component and business-cycle fluctuations ingredients, we estimate the total welfare costs and marginal welfare costs of business cycle fluctuations and economic growth variation of China. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) In comparison, estimates of marginal welfare costs are roughly twice the size of total welfare costs. (2) The welfare cost of China’s business cycle fluctuation in 1952~1990 is obviously larger than the welfare cost of China’s business cycle fluctuation in 1991~2010, and the welfare cost of China’s economic growth variation in the later stage is far much larger than the previous stage. Combing with this finding, we believe that the macroscopical control should enhance the stability of the China’s economy, and guard against the uncertain impacts of internal and external factors to economic growth trend.

Key Words: Business cycles fluctuations; Economic growth variation; Total welfare costs; Marginal welfare costs


