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作者:王少平 孙晓涛

2013-04-05 13:33:25 来源:数量经济技术经济研究



关键词   BN分解  周期反号  持久性  方差比

中图分类号   F224.0      文献标识码   A


The Sign of BN Cycle Component and the Real Cycle of Chinese GDP

Wang Shaoping  Sun Xiaotao

Abstract: This paper investigates the sign of BN cycle component from the perspective of the persistence, and theoretically proves the following Theorem: When the variance ratio measuring the persistence of an I(1) series is greater than one, the sign of the BN cycle component should be reversed. The Monte-Carlo simulations of this paper also verifies the theorem . The theoretical conclusion and simulation results firstly explain the “cycle puzzle” of Nelson (2008). We decompose the BN cycle for Chinese GDP, decomposition results show that the variance ratio of Chinese GDP  is 1.97, the cycle component should be reversed to form the real cycle of Chinese GDP. In the sample period (2000Q2-2011Q4), there are six cycles, and these cycles are not only consistent with Chinese real economic fluctuations on the whole, but also coincident with the main shocks; the cycles have high fluctuations and different durations. Based on these features, we suggests that weakening Chinese economic fluctuations should be one of the major content for Chinese macroeconomic policies.

Key words: BN Decomposition; Sign Reversion; Persistence; Variance Ratio



从经济理论来说,经济周期是指经济的扩张、繁荣、衰退、复苏到再次扩张等一系列的循环往复。但是GDP通常是非平稳的I(1)变量,因此,如何分解诸如非平稳的GDP等宏观经济变量的周期和趋势,一直是宏观计量研究的焦点。BeveridgeNelson1981,以下简记为BN)最早针对非平稳数据提出了著名的BN趋势—周期分解理论,其核心是短暂或者瞬时的随机冲击(Transitory Shocks)导致经济偏离趋势而形成周期性波动。这一理论一经提出,就成为周期分解的主要方法。但是,实际应用BN方法分解趋势周期所遇到的问题是,当经济处于增长(下降)时,分解的周期成分为负(正),由此形成周期成分的符号与实际经济运行相悖的问题,著名计量经济学家Nelson2008)将其称之为“周期之谜”或者“周期悖论”。对于我国而言,国际金融危机的冲击,导致我国实际GDP快速下降,但是按BN方法分解的周期成分为正(图1),这一结果就可以简单的解释为,金融危机冲击我国经济进入增长周期而形成“周期悖论”。BN认为,解决这一问题的方法是简单的将周期成分反号,以保证分解的周期与实际经济增长(或者衰退)的逻辑一致性。这样的处理不仅没有依据,而且具有明显的随意性。因此,BN周期成分是否反号、为什么反号、在什么条件下反号,就一直是这一领域有待研究的理论问题。基于上述,本文的研究动机是,根据BN周期的分解原理,提出周期是否反号的理论依据与条件,回答BN周期成分为什么反号,并应用于我国经济周期的分解,以确认我国GDP真实的周期及其特征与现实意义。