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作者:韩中1 凌亢2 时云3

2013-10-04 12:47:18 来源:数量经济技术经济研究





关键词  住户部门  无偿服务  生产核算  时间投入

中图分类号  F222.33              文献标识码  A

A new idea of household unpaid service production accounting

       ----From the perspective of time input

Abstract: Household unpaid services production accounting as an important part of Household Production Accounting System is receiving more attention. Based on SNA2008, this paper defines accounting grope of household unpaid services production accounting with basic national condition in China, designs output method and input method to measure the value of household unpaid service; Given the importance of time factor in household unpaid services production, this paper researches unpaid service production difference in China from the perspective of time input, respectively researches the effect of income level, education level, age, marital status and the distance between work place and home on unpaid service production difference; Constructs family factor, population factor and economic factor leading to unpaid service production difference with Principal Component Analysis method, enriches our current accounting system of household production theory and methods.

Key words: Household sector; Unpaid service; Production accounting; Time input



住户部门作为国民经济机构部门之一,一直以来被认为只承担消费者的角色。其实不然,住户部门同时也是生产者,生产各种商品与服务,既包括用于市场交易的产出,也包括住户自产自用部分的生产。从经济理论上讲,但凡符合经济生产定义的活动产出,无论是通过市场交易还是自产自用,都应该被纳入到生产核算范围并进行核算,以体现一个国家或地区真实的经济生产全貌(System of National Accounts 2008,SNA2008)。但是由于数据收集等原因,在国民经济核算实践中,住户部门的生产并未全部被纳入到生产核算范围并体现在GDP中,住户成员为自身或为住户其它成员的最终消费而提供的没有报酬的无偿服务生产[2]被排除在生产核算范围之外,而考虑到不同国家、不同地区经济发展水平、市场化程度存在较大的差异,尤其是经济比较落后、市场化程度较低的国家或地区,其住户将花费大量的时间和精力从事无偿服务生产以维持基本的生活之需。鉴于此,若不对住户无偿服务生产进行核算,将不能准确地刻画住户部门的真实生产成果,进而不利于住户部门经济福利水平的测度和生产成果的国际比较。

[1] 本文获国家社科基金青年项目(12CTJ016)、教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(12YJC910001)、国家统计局全国统计科学研究计划项目(2012LY182)和江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD)资助。

[2] 住户无偿服务生产由于并没有被纳入到国民经济生产核算范围,故又称为住户非SNA生产。