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2013-05-14 09:29:32 来源:数量经济技术经济研究



关键字人口集聚  金融服务  多样化  城市商业银行  区域比较

中图分类号 F832.2            文献标识码A       

Does Diversity of Financial Services in Chinese City Commercial Banks Influence on Agglomeration?

Abstract: According to theoretical analysis and literature conclusion, the paper firstly studies the relationship between the diversity of financial services in urban commercial banks and agglomeration. Then based on data of 60 city commercial banks in China during 2001~2010, the empirical results confirm that various city commercial banks and financial services have a positive impact on agglomeration; the operating scale and performance of city commercial banks can promote agglomeration. At the same time, the paper verifies that the macro-economic development and agglomeration have a positive correlation. Then we add time effect ,the findings is consistent with the basic model, off-balance sheet business and non-interest income are positively related to agglomeration, but positive effect of non-interest income only appeared in the periods of 2005~2010. Sub-regional study shows that: city commercial banks diversity of financial services have a positive impact on agglomeration in the east and west region of China, but the impact in the west region is greater than that in the eastern region.

Key words: Agglomeration; Financial Services; Diversity; City Commercial Banks; Regional Comparison




[1] 本文获得2012年国家社会科学基金项目(12BJL049)的资助。感谢厦门大学经济学院国际经济与贸易系引进人才科研启动经费的支持。感谢国家基本科研业务费专项基金项目的支持。