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2014-09-17 11:23:02 来源:数量经济技术经济研究



关键词非线性  阈值协整  检验方法

中图分类号 F046.1             文献标识码  A


The Test of Threshold Cointegration Model with Nonlinear Cointegration Vector and Nonlinear Adjustment Parameter


AbstractBased on the economic practice that the relationships of long-run equilibrium and short-term of economic variables are nonlinear, the paper proposes threshold cointegration model with nonlinear cointegration vector and nonlinear adjustment parameter, and also studies the test methods. This study show that in the test of cointegration, the Wald statistics have better finite sample properties. Among the nonlinear test of cointegration relationship, LMW and LMG statistics have small distortion size and high power. When to test the nonlinear of adjustment parameter, LMH statistics has good finite sample properties while the nonlinear characteristic of adjustment parameter is significant.

Key wordsNonlinear; Threshold Cointegration; Test Method

