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2014-06-08 15:42:33 来源:数量经济技术经济研究




关键词  地区经济差距  演变轨迹  要素积累  绿色全要素生产率

中图分类号  F062.4      文献标识码  A


The Evolution Trajectory and Source Decomposition of Regional Economic Disparities in China


Abstract: Based on re-estimate the TFP of resource and environmental constraints by Malmquist-Luenberger productivity index, the paper studies the evolution trajectory and source decomposition of regional economic disparities in China since the reform and opening up. The paper finds that not to consider environmental factors overestimates TFP and its contribution to economic growth, but TFP has become an important driving force of China's economic growth. The evolution trajectory of China's regional economic disparities has been changed “first decreases and then increases” into "first decreases and then increases again decreases", 1990 and 2003 is the inflection point. Despite the economic disparities between regions contribution to regional economic disparities present the trend of “first increases and then decreases”, but it is still the main source of regional economic disparities; the economic disparities within the regions contribution to regional economic disparities present the trend of “first decreases and then increases”, and it has become the main components of regional economic disparities in China. Factor inputs is the main reason for China's regional economic disparities, but the factor inputs in the role of regional economic disparities is weakening, but green TFP in the role of regional economic disparities is enhancing.

Key  wordsRegional Economic DisparitiesEvolution TrajectoryFactor AccumulationGreen Total Factor Productivity



改革开放以来,中国经济以年均10%左右的速度保持了30多年的强劲经济增长,与此同时,伴随着这种“增长奇迹”的地区差距问题也同样引人注目。以1952年为基期,2010年人均GDP最低(16924元)的贵州省,只相当于2010年人均GDP最高(98136元)的上海市1993年的水平。近年来大量研究对中国地区经济差距问题给予了高度关注。从新古典增长理论来看,地区差距产生的原因可以分为两大部分:一是要素投入,二是全要素生产率(Total Factor ProductivityTFP),那么,究竟哪部分是导致中国地区经济差距的主要原因呢?很多文献对此展开了讨论,但是,目前学术界仍然争议颇多。
