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作者:韩兆洲 黎中彦

2014-07-08 15:54:29 来源:数量经济技术经济研究



关键字  中美经济差距  对比分析  经济追赶  经济预测

中图分类号 F223    文献标识码 A

Analysis of economic comparison

between China and the United States

AbstractAfter 30 years developing, China returns to a global economic power. In this paper, we used C-D production function and Solow growth model to predict the economic growth rate of China and forecasted America economic growth rate by using the foreign research result. We took a comparative analysis about China and America economic development in different circumstances and tried to find out when China economy would overtake America. The result indicates that if its economy will maintain steady growth, then China will achieve multiple goals before 2030: (1) China GDP surpass America; (2) GDP per capital over 17 thousand dollars; (3) Gross national income per capita of China close to the high income countries level; (4) some macroeconomic indicators of China, such as imports and retail sales, overtake America.

Key wordsEconomic gap between China and AmericaAnalysis of economic comparisonEconomic catch-upEconomic forecasting




