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作者:乔 晶1 胡 兵2

2014-07-08 16:25:01 来源:数量经济技术经济研究

1. 重庆工商大学管理学院,2. 重庆师范大学经济与管理学院)

【摘要】 基于2003-2011年期间中国对全球118个国家或地区的对外直接投资数据,运用双边随机前沿模型测算中国投资的前沿水平,以及实际投资相对于前沿水平的偏离程度。结果发现,下偏效应远大于上偏效应,近年来蓬勃发展的中国对外直接投资整体表现为投资不足而非投资过度,投资不足程度平均为26.59%。各洲间投资不足严重程度依次是欧洲、拉丁美洲、亚洲、大洋洲、非洲、北美洲,对欧洲投资不足程度比对北美洲高出近10个百分点,但投资不足现象随着时间的推移趋向缓解,2011年比2003年不足程度下降了约6个百分点。对发达国家、制度质量和技术水平较高国家或地区组的投资不足程度比其各自对照组的不足程度更严重,对资源丰富国家或地区的投资不足程度比其对照组不足程度低,双边投资协定一定程度上可以缓解对外直接投资不足问题。

关键词  对外直接投资 双边随机前沿模型 投资不足

中图分类号  F125.5    文献标识码  A    JEL分类号  F21

Overinvestment or Underinvestment: an Empirical Analysis

on China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment

Abstract: As China is rapidly integrating with the global economy, its overseas enterprises have been gaining importance as a new source of international capital. The article employs the two-tier stochastic frontier model to estimate the forefront level of China’ investment, and the actual investment’s deviation relative to forefront level based on the 118 selected economies over the period from 2003 to 2011. The empirical results demonstrate that both higher and lower partial factors have significant effects on Chinese OFDI, while that of the latter is dominant, and the net effect of these two factors leads to a nearly 26.59% underinvestment of China’s OFDI. Underinvestment severity among continents was followed by Europe, Latin America, Asia, Oceania, Africa, North America. Degree of underinvestment to Europe was nearly 10% higher than that to North America. However, the phenomenon of underinvestment tends to ease over time. The degree of underinvestment in 2011 declined about 6% comparing with that in 2003. The underinvestment to developed countries, institutional quality and technical level higher national or regional groups is more serious than that in respective control groups. The degree of underinvestment in resource-rich countries or regions is lower than that in respective groups. To some extent, bilateral investment treaties can relieve the shortage of outward foreign direct investment.

Key words: Outward Foreign Direct Investment; Two-tier Stochastic Frontier Model; Underinvestment


作为吸收外商直接投资最大的发展中国家,中国在进入新世纪后却频繁以对外直接投资者的身份活跃于国际舞台,“中国收购世界”的新闻在各类报道中被广泛提及,并引起国际社会、各国政府和学术界的广泛关注。截至2011年底,中国对外直接投资(Outward Foreign Direct Investment,以下简称OFDI)累计净额为4247.81亿美元,约占全球的2.01%,仅相当于美国的9.44%[2]。从存量规模看,中国尚处于“走出去”的初级阶段,在国际资本市场中的份额并不高,引起广泛关注的主要原因在于起步较晚的中国OFDI展现出了强劲的增长势头。2003-2011年,全球OFDI流量平均增速为13.64%,而中国为45.73%,在受金融危机拖累的2008年,全球增速为负的11.74%,中国依然高达110.92%。中国OFDI流量从2003年的28.55亿美元迅速上升到2011年的746.54亿美元,位居世界第6[3],仅次于美国、日本、英国、法国、(中国)香港地区,中国甚至已成为一些发展中国家的主要投资来源之一。
