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作者:段白鸽1 张连增2

2014-03-31 10:59:37 来源:数量经济技术经济研究




关键词  相依结构  贝叶斯方法  非线性分层模型  多元索赔准备金评估  预测分布

中图分类号  F222.3                     文献标识码  A


The Application of Bayesian Non-linear Hierarchical Model in Multivariate Claims Reserving

AbstractThe paper innovatively proposed a Bayesian non-linear hierarchical model for multivariate stochastic claims reserving based on different business lines, designed a suitable model structure through combining non-linear hierarchical model with Bayesian method, so as to provide some numerical analysis for the classic run off triangles data in the actuarial practice with WinBUGS software, and further obtained the complete predictive distributions of claims reserves under the hierarchical model structure using MCMC stochastic simulation method. The proposed method extends and goes beyond best estimators and estimators of mean square error of prediction for claims reserves at the present multivariate claims reserving methods. The ability of the Bayesian framework to carry out simultaneous inference based on the joint posterior distributions is of great importance for non-life insurance solvency monitoring and industry decision making.

Key wordsDependence Structure; Bayesian Method; Non-linear Hierarchical Model; Multivariate Claims Reserving; Predictive Distribution



关于索赔准备金[2]评估,目前存在两类数据结构,一类是基于流量三角形的聚合数据结构,另一类是基于个体索赔的微观数据结构。为了便于区分这两类数据结构下的评估方法,Taylor(2003)将相应的评估模型分为聚合索赔模型(Aggregate Claims Models)和个体索赔模型(Individual Claims Models)两大类[3]。目前,聚合索赔模型仍处于主流地位。在聚合索赔模型中,单个流量三角形对应于一元索赔准备金评估,多个流量三角形对应于多元索赔准备金评估。多元索赔准备金评估考虑了不同流量三角形之间存在的相依结构,按照这种描述,可以将多元索赔准备金评估大致分为基于不同类型赔款数据(如已决赔款与已报案赔款)相关性的多元索赔准备金评估和基于不同业务线的多元索赔准备金评估两类。其中,基于不同类型赔款数据相关性的多元索赔准备金评估随机性方法主要包括考虑已决赔款与已报案赔款相关性的随机性准备金进展法、考虑已决赔款与已报案赔款相关性的随机性Munich链梯法。比较而言,国外学者更多关注于随机性Munich链梯法的研究,经典文献可以参考QuargMack(2004)MerzWüthrich(2006)LiuVerrall(2010),最新研究见Happ(2012)HappWüthrich(2013)

[1] 本文获得国家自然科学基金面上项目“非寿险定价与索赔准备金评估的分层模型研究”(71271121)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(跨学科创新团队建设基金)“金融工程与精算学中的定量风险管理统计模型与方法”(NKZXTD1101)资助

[2] 在精算实务中,通常将索赔准备金(Claims Reserves)称为未决赔款准备金(Outstanding Claims Reserves)。

[3] 参见Taylor G. , McGuire G. , Greenfield A. , 2003, Loss Reserving: Past, Present and Future, Research Paper Number 109, The University of Melbourne, Australia, Available Online at www.economics.unimelb.edu.au/ACT/html/no109.pdf.