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作者:毛中根 孙 豪 黄 容

2014-03-31 11:00:43 来源:




  要:消费率问题归根结底是经济结构问题。1978年以来,我国居民消费率的变动特征表现为长期波动下降。为判断居民消费率的运行情况,根据代表性家庭效用最大化估算出最优居民消费率。研究表明,1978-1990年,实际居民消费率与最优居民消费率基本吻合; 1991- 2000年,实际居民消费率平均低于最优居民消费率7.8个百分点;2001-2010年,实际居民消费率平均低于最优居民消费率18.3个百分点。对居民消费率偏低贡献率的分析表明,城镇居民消费率偏低是导致整体居民消费率偏低的主要原因。通过考察预期收入、利率和效用函数改变对最优居民消费率的影响,分析了居民消费率的变动机制。为提高居民消费率,提出了扩大城镇居民消费、促进居民收入快速增长、提高投资效率和降低预期不确定性等政策建议。


中图分类号: F126  文献标识码:A   文章编号:

The Estimation of the Optimal Rate of Resident Consumption in China and It’s Change Mechanism

Abstract: The rate of consumption is based on the economic structure. Since 1978, the rate of resident consumption in China has represented the feature of long-term decline with short-term fluctuation. To study the actual condition of the rate of resident consumption, we estimated the optimal rate of consumption according to the representative households' utility function. According to the research we can conclude that the real rate of household consumption basically coincided with the optimal rate from 1978 to 1990; from 1991 to 2000, the actual rate of resident consumption was generally 7.8% lower than the optimal rate; from 2001 to 2010, the actual rate of resident consumption was generally 18.3% lower than the optimal rate. The analysis of low household consumption rate of contribution rate showed that the low consumption rate of urban residents is the main cause of the low overall household consumption rate.We analyzed the change mechanism of resident consumption rate through the study of the influence on the optimal consumption rate with the change of expected income, interest rates and utility function. We also proposed some policies and suggestions to improve the rate of resident consumptionsuch like expand urban residents consumption, increase the resident income, improve the efficiency of investment, and decrease the resident uncertainties.

Key words: Consumption Rate; Utility Function of Households; Optimal Rate of Resident Consumption




* 研究得到国家自然科学基金项目(71373212)、霍英东教育基金会项目(131085)、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”项目(NCET-12-0927)、西南财经大学“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金”项目(JBK130114)的资助

* 本文所指的最优居民消费率可以是一个具体数值,也可以是一个合理区间。

[1] 本文数据如无特别说明,均来自国家统计局《中国统计年鉴2011》。