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2014-10-20 15:02:53 来源:数量经济技术经济研究

南开大学 经济学院 城市与区域经济研究所



 关键词: 空间面板计量;空间加权矩阵;蒙特卡洛模拟;聚集经济;

Type of Spatial weight on spatial panel parameters estimation and testing Efficiency

-- From the Perspective of macro and micro data


 The building of a predetermined spatial weight matrix is the most important procedure for the estimation of a spatial econometric model.  This paper summarizes widely used general spatial weight scheme and some brand-new spatial model that proposed in the fields of spatial econometrics. From macro and micro perspective, it quantifies the type of weight matrix effects on spatial panel parameters estimation as well as the identification of spatial effect in the model. The empirical results are as follows:  as far as the macro data is concerned, with the increasing of the complexity of spatial weight matrix, efficiency as well as consistency of spatial parameters estimation is increased dramatically. The general moment method is superior to its counterpart quasi-maximized likelihood method. Under compound spatial weight matrix, the LM has better test power; For the micro data, the regression results indicates that the four proposed spatial matrix have prominent effect on the identification of  spatial boundary of agglomeration externalities, the compound spatial matrix have better performance in terms of identify the space scale of externalities. The paper concludes with some concrete suggestion for carrying out empirical research using spatial panel method with different type spatial weights.

Key words: Spatial Panel Econometrics; Spatial weight matrix; Monte Carlo Simulation; Agglomeration Economics


中图分类号 F224.0       文献标识码 A



