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作者:孙传旺a,b 林伯强a,b,c

2014-05-08 15:07:58 来源:数量经济技术经济研究

     ( a厦门大学经济学院中国能源经济研究中心   b能源经济与能源政策协同创新中心   c厦门大学能源政策研究院)






A Study on the Factor Allocative Efficiency and Energy Saving Potential of the China’s Industrial Sector

AbstractThe paper adopts the Stochastic Frontier Approach to estimate the Translog Production Function of Chinese industry. Further, focusing on the Chinese industry, this paper analyzes the factor allocative efficiency and then calculates the energy saving potential attributed to the reallocation of energy factors. The result indicates that both the advancement of market-oriented reform and the determination of Chinese government to improve energy efficiency have remarkably promoted the allocation efficiency improvement of industrial factors; although China’s imperfect factor market has distorted the factor allocation to some extent. Especially after 2006, the improvement of factor allocation efficiency has taking increasingly significant role in raising the general industrial efficiency comparing with that of technical efficiency. The trend that energy saving potential first ascends and then descends is consistent with the change of factor allocation efficiency. Since 2006, energy factors have been gradually flowing from the low-efficiency sector to the high-efficiency one, and the actual energy consumption gradually approaches the optimal level under competitive market. In 2009, the total energy saving potential of Chinese industry amounted to about 0.25 billion tons of standard coal equivalent. The energy-intensive industries should take the leading role in future energy conservation. During the 12th five year, apart from the adoption of traditional energy conservation methods, it is also required that the Chinese government should raise the allocation efficiency of industrial factors and, therefore further achieving the energy saving potential, by promoting the market-oriented reform and setting up the effective energy pricing mechanism.

Keyword Factor Allocative Efficiency; Energy Saving Potential; Stochastic Frontier Approach




