先后主持完成的项目包括:中国博士后基金项目《矿产资源定量评价的智能化与自动化的探索》、 院重点课题《经济预测与政策分析》2000-2002年系列专栏中的《中国季度经济形势分析与展望》、国家自然科学基金项目两项(《基于GIS技术的区域经济评价辅助决策支持系统研究》、《转新经济体中外商直接投资技术外溢效应及影响因素的定量研究》)、所重点《空间计量经济学的理论方法及其在创新集聚与扩散中的应用》、院经济政策和模拟重点研究室课题院重点课题《空间计量经济学的理论方法在金融发展对经济增长影响中的应用》、《FDI流入的空间集聚对中国持续创新能力的影响-空间计量经济学的理论方法及其应用》、国家社科基金项目《新常态下国内外产业关联对我国产业结构调整的影响及对策研究》。其中,博士论文《中大比例尺矿床统计预测专家系统的研制》于1999获得中国首届优秀博士论文奖,参加的地质矿产部(现称为国土资源部)高科技项目《矿产资源地质环境专家系统》获部级科技进步奖,研究成果《地质图件的微机编辑及信息的智能提取系统》于1994年获中国大学生应用科技发明大奖赛特等奖。
[12]李新忠,“Third quarter 2000 in review; forecasts for fourth quarter 2000 through third quarter 2001”,《China Economic Quarterly》,2000Q4.
[13]李新忠,“Fourth quarter 2000 in review; forecasts for first to fourth quarter 2001”,《China Economic Quarterly》,2001Q1.
[14]李新忠,“First quarter 2001 in review; forecasts for second quarter 2001 through first quarter 2002”,《China Economic Quarterly》,2001Q2.
[15]李新忠,“Second quarter 2001 in review; forecasts for third quarter 2001 through second quarter 2002”,《China Economic Quarterly》,2001Q3.
[16]李新忠,“Third quarter 2001 in review; forecasts for fourth quarter 2001 through third quarter 2002”,《China Economic Quarterly》,2001Q4.
[17]李新忠,“Fourth quarter 2001 in review; forecasts for first to fourth quarter 2002”,《China Economic Quarterly》,2002Q1.
[18]李新忠,“First quarter 2002 in review; forecasts for second quarter 2002 through first quarter 2003”,《China Economic Quarterly》,2002Q2.
[19]Lee, Xinzhong, "Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in China: The Determinants at Location", Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Lyon, France, Proceedings of The International Conference, June 2005.
[21] Lee, Xinzhong, " Version and Prospects of a Korea-China-Japan Trilateral Economic Community: A Chinese Perspective", Published by The Northeast Asian Community Studies Institute (NACSI), Korea, Proceedings of The First International Symposium, September 2008, pp64-105.
[22]Lee, Xinzhong and Seung Rok Park., The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on China's International Trade, Published by Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI), Seoul, Korea, October 2003.
[23]Park, Seung Rok and Xinzhong Lee, International Technology Spillovers and Its Effects on China's Economic Growth, Published by Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI), Seoul, Korea, October 2003.
[24]Park, Seung Rok and Xinzhong Lee, Contribution of FDI to Employment in FDI Firms and SOFI Firms in China, Published by Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI), Seoul, Korea, October 2003.
[25]Lee, Xinzhong and Seung Rok Park, Regional Disparities in China's Economic Growth and FDI, Published by Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI), Seoul, Korea, October 2003.
[26]Lee, Xinzhong, "The Contribution of FDI to Growth in China", Working paper series, the International Centre for Study of East-Asian Development (ICSEAD), Kitakyushu, Japan, June 2002.
[27]Lee, Xinzhong., "Does Variation in Fixed Investment by Foreign Firms Explain Part of The Variation in Economic Growth across Chinese Provinces? ", Working paper series, ICSEAD, Kitakyushu, Japan, July 2002。
[29] Seung Rok Park, Xinzhong Lee,"Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Spillovers -- Empirical Evidences from China", Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, UK, Proceedings of The First International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China edited by Xiaobo Wu, 2006, pp350-359.
[30] Xinzhong Li, Seung Rok Park., " Relationship Between FDI and International Trade in China", Working Paper Series, Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI), Seoul, Korea, September 2003.
[31]李新忠(独译), 《数据、模型与决策》,中信出版社,2004年6月。
[32]Xinzhong Lee, Seung Rok Park, "The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth of China", Research Report, Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS), Seoul, Korea, August. 2003.
[33]李新忠, 《以结构调整促进对外经贸发展》, 中国社会科学院院报,2003年11月18日。
[34]Seung Rok Park, Xinzhong Lee, "The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment and State Owned Fixed Asset Investment on China 's International Trade", Journal of Northeast Asian Economic Studies, Seoul, Korea, Vol.15, No.3, Dec. 2003, pp121-162.
[35] Xinzhong Lee, Seung Rok Park, "Relationship Between Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade in the case of China",Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI), Working Paper Series, Seoul, Korea, September. 2003.
[44]李新忠, “地质、物探、化探、遥感变量的空间变异性分析系统”,《中国数学地质》,1996,Vol.7,p148-152。
[45]Lee,Xinzhong etc,The Micro-Computer Analysis and Consulting System for the Unit Partition in the Statistical Prediction of Mineral Deposits . 《China Postdoctors' Contribution the 30th International Geological Congress》. Beijing ,China Petroleum Industry Press.1996: P233-242
[46]李新忠、赵鹏大等,“利用地质图信息进行空间思维与数字思维的方法研究”,《高校地质学报》.1997, 3(3):P314-323.
[47]Lee,Xinzhong etc,Quantitative Image Analysis of Geological Map Information, IAMG’97-the annual conference of the international association for mathematical geology,1997,September, Barcelona, Spain.
[52] 李新忠,全球化进程中FDI流入在中国的前景,中国社科院的院重点项目《全球化与中国:宏观经济及模拟分析》部分章节,2008。
[53] 李新忠,经济全球化进程中FDI流入中国的贸易效应,中国社科院的院重点项目《全球化与中国:宏观经济及模拟分析》部分章节,2008。
[54] 李新忠,经济全球化进程中 FDI流入中国的产业升级效应,中国社科院的院重点项目《全球化与中国:宏观经济及模拟分析》部分章节,2008。
[61]李新忠,《外商直接投资与东道国国际贸易的促进关系》,中国社会科学院院报,2004年6月22日 。
[62]李新忠、朴胜禄,中国2005-2015年汽车用高端钢材的供给与需求的预测,韩国经济研究院(Korea Economic Research Institute), 2005年9月 (研究报告)。
[64]龚益、李新忠等,《古代“小康”的 伦 理 与 范 式:资本主义与 经 济 学 的 复 兴》,载《和 谐 小 康 社会 建 设 与 政 府 业 绩》,中国 环 境 科 学 出 版 社,2007,pp49-66。
[65]Li,Xinzhong and Park,Seung Rok(2009).“The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment of Bilateral Trade within Korea-China-Japan Trilateral Economic Community”,The Journal of Asian Review,Vol.1, No.1, pp.52-93.
[66]Li,Xinzhong (2012). “The Spatial Spillovers Effects of Foreign Direct Investment inflows on Innovative Capabilities of Chinese Enterprises”, 7th IFKAD-KCWS 2012, Matera, Italy.
[68] Lee, Xinzhong, "Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in China: The Determinants at Location", Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Lyon, France, Proceedings of The International Conference, June 2005.
[69] 李新忠,2014. “金融发展对经济增长的长期和短期影响”, 《经济政策和模拟重点研究室论文集》.
[70] Li,Xinzhong. Seung-Rok Park (2014). “Trade Characteristics of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in China: Empirical Evidences from China”, 《China Finance Review International》,2016,Vol.6(2),pp.177-207.
[71] Li,Xinzhong (2014). “Spatial Dependence of Foreign Direct Investment and Innovative Activity in China”, the IEIS 2014 conference , California, The U.S.。